Gong Qingfeng | neuro models

neuro models

  • convs are organized spatially
  • could do transform so that have spatial convs that are organized spatially, orientation based, frequency based



  • does biology have a cutoff level (likecutoffs in computers below which fluctuations don’t matter)
  • core principles underlying these two questions
    • how do brains work?
    • how do you build an intelligent machine?
  • lacking: insight from neuro that can help build machine
  • scales: cortex, column, neuron, synapses
  • physics: theory and practice are much closer
  • are there principles?
    • “god is a hacker” - francis crick
    • theorists are lazy - ramon y cajal
    • things seemed like mush but became more clear - horace barlow
    • principles of neural design book
  • felleman & van essen 1991
    • ascending layers (e.g. v1-> v2): goes from superficial to deep layers
    • descending layers (e.g. v2 -> v1): deep layers to superficial
  • solari & stoner 2011 “cognitive consilience” - layers thicknesses change in different parts of the brain
    • motor cortex has much smaller input (layer 4), since it is mostly output

historical ai

  • people: turing, von neumman, marvin minsky, mccarthy…
  • ai: birth at 1956 conference
    • vision: marvin minsky thought it would be a summer project
  • lighthill debate 1973 - was ai worth funding?
  • intelligence tends to be developed by young children…
  • cortex grew very rapidly

historical cybernetics/nns

  • people: norbert weiner, mcculloch & pitts, rosenblatt
  • neuro
    • hubel & weisel (1962, 1965) simple, complex, hypercomplex cells
    • neocognitron fukushima 1980
    • david marr: theory, representation, implementation

neuron models

circuit-modelling basics

  • membrane has capacitance $C_m$
  • force for diffusion, force for drift
  • can write down diffeq for this, which yields an equilibrium
  • $\tau = RC$
    • bigger $\tau$ is slower
    • to increase capacitance
      • could have larger diameter
      • $C_m \propto D$
    • axial resistance $R_A \propto 1/D^2$ (not same as membrane lerk), thus bigger axons actually charge faster

action potentials

  • channel/receptor types
    • ionotropic: $G_{ion}$ = f(molecules outside)
      • something binds and opens channel
    • metabotropic: $G_{ion}$ = f(molecules inside)
      • doesn’t directly open a channel: indirect
    • others
      • photoreceptor
      • hair cell
    • voltage-gated (active - provide gain; might not require active ATP, other channels are all passive)

physics of computation

  • based on carver mead: drift and diffusion are at the heart of everything
  • different things realted by the Boltzmann distr. (ex. distr of air molecules vs elevation. Subject to gravity and diffusion upwards since they’re colliding)
    • nernst potential
    • current-voltage relation of voltage-gated channels
    • current-voltage relation of MOS transistor
  • these things are all like transistor: energy barrier that must be overcome
  • neuromorphic examples
    • differential pair sigmoid yields sigmoid-like function
      • can compute tanh function really simply to simulate
    • silicon retina
      • lateral inhibition exists (gap junctions in horizontal cells)
      • mead & mahowald 1989 - analog VLSI retina (center-surround receptive field is very low energy)
  • computation requires energy (otherwise signals would dissipate)
    • von neumann architecture: CPU - bus (data / address) - Memory
      • moore’s law ending (in terms of cost, clock speed, etc.)
        • ex. errors increase as device size decreases (and can’t tolerate any errors)
    • neuromorphic computing
      • brain ~ 20 Watts
      • exploit intrinsic transistor physics (need extremely small amounts of current)
      • exploit electronics laws kirchoff’s law, ohm’s law
      • new materials (ex. memristor - 3d crossbar array)
      • can’t just do biological mimicry - need to understand the principles

supervised learning

  • see machine learning course
  • net talk was major breakthrough (words -> audio) Sejnowski & Rosenberg 1987
  • people looked for world-centric receptive fields (so neurons responded to things not relative to retina but relative to body) but didn’t find them
    • however, they did find gain fields: (Zipser & Anderson, 1987)
      • gain changes based on what retina is pointing at
    • trained nn to go from pixels to head-centered coordinate frame
      • yielded gain fields
    • pouget et al. were able to find that this helped having 2 pop vectors: one for retina, one for eye, then add to account for it
  • support vector networks (vapnik et al.) - svms early inspired from nns
  • dendritic nonlinearities (hausser & mel 03)
  • example to think about neurons due this: $u = w_1 x_1 + w_2x_2 + w_{12}x_1x_2$
    • $y=\sigma(u)$
    • somestimes called sigma-pi unit since it’s a sum of products
    • exponential number of params…could be fixed w/ kernel trick?
      • could also incorporate geometry constraint…

unsupervised learning

  • born w/ extremely strong priors on weights in different areas
  • barlow 1961, attneave 1954: efficient coding hypothesis = redundancy reduction hypothesis
    • representation: compression / usefulness
    • easier to store prior probabilities (because inputs are independent)
    • relich 93: redundancy reduction for unsupervised learning (text ex. learns words from text w/out spaces)

hebbian learning and pca

  • pca can also be thought of as a tool for decorrelation (in pc dimension, tends to be less correlated)
  • hebbian learning = fire together, wire together: $\Delta w_{ab} \propto <a, b>$ note: $<a, b>$ is correlation of a and b (average over time)
  • linear hebbian learning (perceptron with linear output)
  • $\dot{w}_i \propto <y, x_i> \propto \sum_j w_j <x_j, x_i>$ since weights change relatively slowly
    • synapse couldn’t do this, would grow too large
  • oja’s rule (hebbian learning w/ weight decay so ws don’t get too big)
    • points to correct direction
  • sanger’s rule: for multiple neurons, fit residuals of other neurons
  • competitive learning rule: winner take all
    • population nonlinearity is a max
    • gets stuck in local minima (basically k-means)
  • pca only really good when data is gaussian
    • interesting problems are non-gaussian, non-linear, non-convex
  • pca: yields checkerboards that get increasingly complex (because images are smooth, can describe with smaller checkerboards)
    • this is what jpeg does
    • very similar to discrete cosine transform (DCT)
    • very hard for neurons to get receptive fields that look like this
  • retina: does whitening (yields center-surround receptive fields)
    • easier to build
    • gets more even outputs
    • only has ~1.5 million fibers

sparse, distributed coding

  • \[\underset {\mathbf{D}} \min \underset t \sum \underset {\mathbf{h^{(t)}}} \min ||\mathbf{x^{(t)}} - \mathbf{Dh^{(t)}}||_2^2 + \lambda ||\mathbf{h^{(t)}}||_1\]
    • D is like autoencoder output weight matrix
    • h is more complicated - requires solving inner minimization problem
    • outer loop is not quite lasso - weights are not what is penalized
  • barlow 1972: want to represent stimulus with minimum active neurons
    • neurons farther in cortex are more silent
    • v1 is highly overcomplete (dimensionality expansion)
  • codes: dense -> sparse, distributed $n \choose k$ -> local (grandmother cells)
    • energy argument - bruno doesn’t think it’s a big deal (could just not have a brain)
  • PCA: autoencoder when you enforce weights to be orthonormal
    • retina must output encoded inputs as spikes, lower dimension -> uses whitening
  • cortex
    • sparse coding different kind of autencoder bottleneck (imposes sparsity)
  • using bottlenecks in autoencoders forces you to find structure in data
  • v1 simple-cell receptive fields are localized, oriented, and bandpass
  • higher-order image statistics
    • phase alignment
    • orientation (requires at least 3 points stats (like orientation)
    • motion
  • how to learn sparse repr?
    • foldiak 1990 forming sparse reprs by local anti-hebbian learning
    • driven by inputs and gets lateral inhibition and sum threshold
    • neurons drift towards some firing rate naturally (adjust threshold naturally)
  • use higher-order statistics
    • projection pursuit (field 1994) - maximize non-gaussianity of projections
      • CLT says random projections should look gaussian
      • gabor-filter response histogram over natural images look non-Gaussian (sparse) - peaked at 0
    • doesn’t work for graded signals
  • sparse coding for graded signals: olshausen & field, 1996
    • $\underset{Image}{I(x, y)} = \sum_i a_i \phi_i (x, y) + \epsilon (x,y)$
    • loss function $\frac{1}{2} I - \phi a ^2 + \lambda \sum_i C(a_i)$
    • can think about difference between $L_1$ and $L_2$ as having preferred directions (for the same length of vector) - prefer directions which some zeros
    • in terms of optimization, smooth near zero
    • there is a network implementation
    • $a_i$are calculated by solvin optimization for each image, $\phi$ is learned more slowly
    • can you get $a_i$ closed form soln?
  • wavelets invented in 1980s/1990s for sparsity + compression
  • these tuning curves match those of real v1 neurons
  • applications
    • for time, have spatiotemporal basis where local wavelet moves
    • sparse coding of natural sounds
      • audition like a movie with two pixels (each ear sounds independent)
      • converges to gamma tone functions, which is what auditory fibers look like
    • sparse coding to neural recordings - finds spikes in neurons
      • learns that different layers activate together, different frequencies come out
      • found place cell bases for LFP in hippocampus
    • nonnegative matrix factorization - like sparse coding but enforces nonnegative
    • can explicitly enforce nonnegativity
  • LCA algorithm lets us implement sparse coding in biologically plausible local manner
  • explaining away - neural responses at the population should be decodable (shouldn’t be ambiguous)
  • good project: understanding properties of sparse coding bases
  • SNR = $VAR(I) / VAR( I- \phi A )$
  • can run on data after whitening
    • graph is of power vs frequency (images go down as $1/f$), need to weighten with f
    • don’t whiten highest frequencies (because really just noise)
      • need to do this softly - roughly what the retina does
    • as a result higher spatial frequency activations have less variance
  • whitening effect on sparse coding
    • if you don’t whiten, have some directions that have much more variance
  • projects
    • applying to different types of data (ex. auditory)
  • adding more bases as time goes on
  • combining convolution w/ sparse coding?
  • people didn’t see sparsity for a while because they were using very specific stimuli and specific neurons
    • now people with less biased sampling are finding more sparsity
    • in cortex anasthesia tends to lower firing rates, but opposite in hippocampus

self-organizing maps

  • homunculus - 3d map corresponds to map in cortex (sensory + motor)
  • visual cortex
    • visual cortex mostly devoted to center
    • different neurons in same regions sensitive to different orientations (changing smoothly)
    • orientation constant along column
    • orientation maps not found in mice (but in cats, monkeys)
    • direction selective cells as well
  • maps are plastic - cortex devoted to particular tasks expands (not passive, needs to be active)
    • kids therapy with tone-tracking video games at higher and higher frequencies

recurrent networks

  • hopfield nets can store / retrieve memories
  • fully connected (no input/output) - activations are what matter
    • can memorize patterns - starting with noisy patterns can converge to these patterns
  • marr-pogio stereo algorithm
  • hopfield three-way connections
    • $E = - \sum_{i, j, k} T_{i, j, k} V_i V_j V_k$ (self connections set to 0)
      • update to $V_i$ is now bilinear
  • dynamic routing
    • hinton 1981 - reference frames requires structured representations
      • mapping units vote for different orientations, sizes, positions based on basic units
      • mapping units gate the activity from other types of units - weight is dependent on if mapping is activated
      • top-down activations give info back to mapping units
      • this is a hopfield net with three-way connections (between input units, output units, mapping units)
      • reference frame is a key part of how we see - need to vote for transformations
    • olshausen, anderson, & van essen 1993 - dynamic routing circuits
      • ran simulations of such things (hinton said it was hard to get simulations to work)
      • we learn things in object-based reference frames
      • inputs -> outputs has weight matrix gated by control
    • zeiler & fergus 2013 - visualizing things at intermediate layers - deconv (by dynamic routing)
      • save indexes of max pooling (these would be the control neurons)
      • when you do deconv, assign max value to these indexes
    • arathom 02 - map-seeking circuits
    • tenenbaum & freeman 2000 - bilinear models
      • trying to separate content + style
    • hinton et al 2011 - transforming autoencoders - trained neural net to learn to shift imge
    • sabour et al 2017 - dynamic routing between capsules
      • units output a vector (represents info about reference frame)
      • matrix transforms reference frames between units
      • recurrent control units settle on some transformation to identify reference frame

probabilistic models + inference

Wiener filter has Gaussian prior + likelihood
  • gaussians are everywhere because of CLT, max entropy (subject to power constraint)

    • for gaussian function, $d/dx f(x) = -x f(x)$

boltzmann machines

  • hinton & sejnowski 1983
  • starts with a hopfield net (states $s_i$ weights $\lambda_{ij}$) where states are $\pm 1$
  • define energy function $E(\mathbf{s}) = - \sum_{ij} \lambda_{ij} s_i s_j$
  • assume Boltzmann distr $P(s) = \frac{1}{z} \exp (- \beta \phi(s))$
  • learning rule is basically expectation over data - expectation over model
    • could use wake-sleep algorithm
    • during day, calculate expectation over data via Hebbian learning (in Hopfield net this would store minima)
    • during night, would run anit hebbian by doing random walk over network (in Hopfield ne this would remove spurious local minima)
  • learn via gibs sampling (prob for one node conditioned on others is sigmoid)
  • can add hiddent units to allow for learning higher-order interactions (not just pairwise)
    • restricted boltzmann machine: no connections between “visible” units and no connections between “hidden units”
    • computationally easier (sampling is independent) but less rich
  • stacked rbm: hinton & salakhutdinov (hinton argues this is first paper to launch deep learning)
    • don’t train layers jointly
    • learn weights with rbms as encoder
    • then decoder is just transpose of weights
    • finally, run fine-tuning on autoencoder
    • able to separate units in hidden layer
    • cool - didn’t actually need decoder
  • in rbm
    • when measuring true distr, don’t see hidden vals
      • instead observe visible units and conditionally sample over hidden units
      • $P(h v) = \prod_i P(h_i v)$ ~ easy to sample from
    • when measuring sampled distr., just sample $P(h v)$ then sample $P(v h)$
  • ising model - only visible units
    • basically just replicates pairwise statistics (kind of like pca)
      • pairwise statistics basically say “when I’m on, are my neighbors on?”
    • need 3-point statistics to learn a line
  • generating textures
    • learn the distribution of pixels in 3x3 patches
    • then maximize this distribution - can yield textures
  • reducing the dimensionality of data with neural networks


  • PCA vs ICA: both have $X = As$, where $s$ is components (assume X has zero mean)
    • PCA / factor analysis assume $s$ Gaussian, want to decorrelate them
      • $\mathbb E [s_i \cdot s_j] = 0$
      • when Gaussian this implies independenct
    • ICA: assume s not Gaussian, want to make them independent
      • $P(s) = \prod_i P(s_i)$
      • this is a special case of sparse coding
  • bell & sejnowski 1995
    • entropy maximization - try to find a nonlinear function $g(x)$ which lets you map that distr $f(x)$ to uniformScreen Shot 2018-11-13 at 4.23.46 PM
    • then, that function $g(x)$ is the cdf of $f(x)$
    • in ICA, we do this for higher dims - want to map distr of $x_1, …, x_p$ to $y_1, …, y_p$ where distr over $y_i$’s is uniform (implying that they are independent)
      • additionally we want the map to be information preserving
    • mathematically: $\underset{W} \max I(x; y) = \underset{W} \max H(y)$ since $H(y x)$ is zero (there is no randomness)
      • assume $y = \sigma (W x)$ where $\sigma$ is elementwise
      • (then S = WX, $W=A^{-1}$)
      • requires certain assumptions so that $p(y)$ is still a distr. :$p(y) = p(x) / J $ where J is Jacobian
    • learn W via gradient ascent $\Delta W \propto \partial / \partial W (\log J )$
      • there is now something faster called fast ICA
    • relationship to sparse coding
      • ICA can be a special case of sparse coding…
      • can think of cost as a prior over coefficients (Laplacian distr.) and reconstruction error as likelihood model
      • can write down posterior distr, derive learning on A for gradient ascent
    • topographic ICA (make nearby coefficient like each other)
  • model predicts and all that’s passed on is the residual

spiking neurons

  • passive membrane model was leaky integrator
  • voltage-gaed channels were more complicated
  • can be though of as leaky integrate-and-fire neuron (LIF)
    • this charges up and then fires a spike, has refractory period, then starts charging up again
  • rate coding hypothesis - signal conveyed is the rate of spiking (bruno thinks this is usually too simple)
    • spiking irregulariy is largely due to noise and doesn’t convey information
    • some neurons (e.g. neurons in LIP) might actually just convey a rate
  • linear-nonlinear-poisson model (LNP) - sometimes called GLM (generalized linear model)
    • based on observation that variance in firing rate $\propto$ mean firing rate
      • plotting mean vs variance = 1 $\implies$ Poisson output
    • these led people to model firing rates as Poisson $\frac {\lambda^n e^{-\lambda}} {n!}$
    • bruno doesn’t really believe the firing is random (just an effect of other things we can’t measure)
    • ex. fly H1 neuron 1997
      • constant stimulus looks very Poisson
      • moving stimulus looks very Bernoulli
  • spike timing hypothesis
    • spiece timing can be very precise in response to time-varying signals (mainen & sejnowski 1995; bair & koch 1996)
    • often see precise timing
  • encoding: stimulus $\to$ spikes
  • decoding: spikes $\to$ representation
  • encoding + decoding are related through the joint distr. over simulus and repsonse (see Bialek spikes book)
    • nonlinear encoding function can yield linear decoding
    • able to directly decode spikes using a kernel to reproduce signal (seems to say you need spikes - rates would not be good enough)
      • some reactions happen too fast to average spikes (e.g. 30 ms)
    • estimating information rate: bits (usually better than snr - can calculate between them) - usually 2-3 bits/spike

high-dimensional computing

  • high-level overview
    • current inspiration has all come from single neurons at a time - hd computing is going past this
    • the brain’s circuits are high-dimensional
    • elements are stochastic not deterministic
    • can learn from experience
    • no 2 brains are alike yet they exhibit the same behavior
  • basic question of comp neuro: what kind of computing can explain behavior produced by trains?
    • recognizing ppl by how they look, sound, or behave
    • learning from examples
    • remembering things going back to childhood
    • communicating with language


  • what is hd computing
    • compute with random high-dim vectors
    • ex. 10k vectors A, B of +1/-1 (also extends to real / complex vectors)
  • 3 operations
    • addition: A + B = (0, 0, 2, 0, 2,-2, 0, ….)
    • multiplication: A * B = (-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, …)
    • permutation: shuffles values
      • ex. rotate (bit shift with wrapping around)
  • these operations allow for encoding all normal data structures: sets, sequences, lists, databases
  • similarity = dot product (sometimes normalized)
    • A . A = 10k
    • A . A = 0 - orthogonal
    • in high-dim spaces, almost all pairs of vectors are dissimilar A. B = 0
    • goal similar meanings should have large similarity
  • benefits - very simple and scalable - only go through data once
    • equally easy to use 4-grams vs. 5-grams

ex. identify the language

  • data
    • train: given million bytes of text per language (in the same alphabet)
    • test: new sentences for each language
  • training: compute a 10k profile vector for each language and for each test sentence
    • could encode each letter wih a seed vector which is 10k
    • instead encode trigrams with rotate and multiply
      • 1st letter vec rotated by 2 * 2nd letter vec rotated by 1 * 3rd leter vec
      • ex. THE = r(r(T)) * r(H) * r(E)
      • approximately orthogonal to all the letter vectors and all the other possible trigram vectors…
    • profile = sum of all trigram vectors (taken sliding)
      • ex. banana = ban + ana + nan + ana
      • profile is like a histogram of trigrams
  • testing
    • compare each test sentence to profiles via dot product
    • clusters similar languages - cool!
    • gets 97% test acc
    • can query the letter most likely to follor “TH”
      • form query vector Q = r(r(T)) * r(H)
      • query by using multiply X + Q * english-profile-vec
      • find closest letter vecs to X - yields “e”

mathematical background

  • randomly chosen vecs are dissimilar
  • sum vector is similar to its argument vectors
  • product vector and permuted vector are dissimilar to their argument vectors
  • multiplication distibutes over addition
  • permutation distributes over both additions and multiplication
  • multiplication and permutations are invertible
  • addition is approximately invertible

comparison to DNNs

  • both do statistical learning from data
  • data can be noisy
  • both use high-dim vecs although DNNs get bad with him dims (e.g. 100k)
  • HD is founded on rich mathematical theory
  • new codewords are made from existing ones
  • HD memory is a separate func
  • HD algos are transparent, incremental (on-line), scalable
  • somewhat closer to the brain…cerebellum anatomy seems to be match HD
  • HD: holistic (distributed repr.) is robus

different names

  • Tony plate: holographic reduced representation
  • ross gayler: multiply-add-permute arch
  • gayler & levi: vector-symbolic arch
  • gallant & okaywe: matrix binding with additive termps
  • fourier holographic reduced reprsentations (FHRR; Plate)
  • …many more names

theory of sequence indexing and working memory in RNNs

  • trying to make key-value pairs
  • VSA as a structured approach for understanding neural networks
  • reservoir computing = state-dependent network = echos-state network = liquid state machine - try to represen sequential temporal data - builds representations on the fly