Gong Qingfeng | Unsupervised



  • labels are not given
  • intra-cluster distances are minimized, inter-cluster distances are maximized
  • distance measures
    • symmetric D(A,B)=D(B,A)
    • self-similarity D(A,A)=0
    • positivity separation D(A,B)=0 iff A=B
    • triangular inequality D(A,B) <= D(A,C)+D(B,C)
    • ex. Minkowski Metrics $d(x,y)=\sqrt[r]{\sum \vert x_i-y_i\vert ^r}$
      • r=1 Manhattan distance
      • r=1 when y is binary -> Hamming distance
      • r=2 Euclidean
      • r=$\infty$ “sup” distance
  • correlation coefficient - unit independent
  • edit distance


  • two approaches:
    1. bottom-up agglomerative clustering - starts with each object in separate cluster then joins
    2. top-down divisive - starts with 1 cluster then separates
  • ex. starting with each item in its own cluster, find best pair to merge into a new cluster
    • repeatedly do this to make a tree (dendrogram)
  • distances between clusters defined by linkage function
    • single-link - closest members (long, skinny clusters)
    • complete-link - furthest members (tight clusters)
    • average - most widely used
  • ex. MST - keep linking shortest link
  • ultrametric distance - tighter than triangle inequality
    • $d(x, y) \leq \max[d(x,z), d(y,z)]$


  • partition n objects into a set of K clusters (must be specified)
  • globally optimal: exhaustively enumerate all partitions
  • minimize sum of squared distances from cluster centroid
  • evaluation w/ labels - purity - ratio between dominant class in cluster and size of cluster
  • k-means++ - better at not getting stuck in local minima
    • randomly move centers apart
  • Complexity: $O(n^2p)$ for first iteration and then can only get worse

clustering (j 10)

  • latent vars - values not specified in the observed data
  • K-Means
    • start with random centers
    • E: assign everything to nearest center: $O(|\text{clusters}|*np) $
    • M: recompute centers $O(np)$ and repeat until nothing changes
    • partition amounts to Voronoi diagram
    • can be viewed as minimizing distortion measure $J=\sum_n \sum_i z_n^i   x_n - \mu_i   ^2$
  • GMMs: $p(x \theta) = \underset{i}{\Sigma} \pi_i \mathcal{N}(x \mu_i, \Sigma_i)$
    • $l(\theta x) = \sum_n \log : p(x_n \theta) \ = \sum_n \log \sum_i \pi_i \mathcal{N}(x_n \mu_i, \Sigma_i)$
    • hard to maximize bcause log acts on a sum

    • “soft” version of K-means - update means as weighted sums of data instead of just normal mean
    • sometimes initialize K-means w/ GMMs

conditional mixture models - regression/classification (j 10)

graph LR;
  X --> Z
  Z --> Y
  • ex.
  • latent variable Z has multinomial distr.
    • mixing proportions: $P(Z^i=1 x, \xi)$
      • ex. $ \frac{e^{\xi_i^Tx}}{\sum_je^{\xi_j^Tx}}$
    • mixture components: $p(y Z^i=1, x, \theta_i)​$ ~ different choices
    • ex. mixture of linear regressions
      • $p(y x, \theta) = \sum_i \underbrace{\pi_i (x, \xi)}_{\text{mixing prop.}} \cdot \underbrace{\mathcal{N}(y \beta_i^Tx, \sigma_i^2)}_{\text{mixture comp.}}$
    • ex. mixtures of logistic regressions
      • $p(y x, \theta_i) = \underbrace{\pi_i (x, \xi)}{\text{mixing prop.}} \cdot \underbrace{\mu(\theta_i^Tx)^y\cdot[1-\mu(\theta_i^Tx)]^{1-y}}{\text{mixture comp.}}$ where $\mu$ is the logistic function
  • also, nonlinear optimization for this (including EM)

spectral clustering

  • use the spectrum (eigenvalues) of the similarity matrix of the data to perform dim. reduction before clustering in fewer dimensions

generative models

  • overview: https://blog.openai.com/generative-models/


  • just an autoencoder where the middle hidden layer is supposed to be unit gaussian
    • add a kl loss to measure how well it maches a unit gaussian
      • for calculation purposes, encoder actually produces means / vars of gaussians in hidden layer rather than the continuous values….
    • this kl loss is not too complicated…https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs294a/sparseAutoencoder.pdf
  • generally less sharp than GANs
    • uses mse loss instead of gan loss…
    • intuition: vaes put mass between modes while GANs push mass towards modes
  • constraint forces the encoder to be very efficient, creating information-rich latent variables. This improves generalization, so latent variables that we either randomly generated, or we got from encoding non-training images, will produce a nicer result when decoded.


  • train network to be loss function

autoregressive models

  • model input based on input