Gong Qingfeng | info Retrieval

info retrieval


  • building blocks of search engines
    • search (user initiates)
    • reccomendations - proactive search engine (program initiates e.g. pandora, netflix)
    • information retrieval - activity of obtaining info relevant to an information need from a collection of resources
    • information overload - too much information to process
    • memex - device which stores records so it can be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility (search engine)
  • IR pieces
    1. Indexed corpus (static)
      • crawler and indexer - gathers the info constantly, takes the whole internet as input and outputs some representation of the document
        • web crawler - automatic program that systematically browses web
      • document analyzer - knows which section has what -takes in the metadata and outputs the index (condensed), manage content to provide efficient access of web documents
    2. User
      • query parser - parses the search terms into managed system representation
    3. Ranking
      • ranking model -takes in the query representation and the indices, sorts according to relevance, outputs the results
      • also need nice display
      • query logs - record user’s search history
      • user modeling - assess user’s satisfaction
  • steps
    1. repository -> document representation
    2. query -> query representation
    3. ranking is performed between the 2 representations and given to the user
    4. evaluation - by users
  • information retrieval:
    1. reccomendation
    2. question answering
    3. text mining
    4. online advertisement

related fields

they are all getting closer, database approximate search and information extraction converts unstructed data to structured:

database systems information retrieval
structured data unstructured data
semantics are well-defined semantics are subjective
structured query languages (ex. SQL) simple keyword queries
exact retrieval relevance-drive retrieval
emphasis on efficiency emphasis on effectiveness
  • natural language processing - currently the bottleneck
    • deep understainding of language
    • cognitive approaches vs. statistical
    • small scale problems vs. large
  • developing areas
    • currently mobile search is big - needs to use less data, everything needs to be more summarized
    • interactive retrieval - like a human being, should collaborate
  • core concepts
    • information need - desire to locate and obtain info to satisfy a need
    • query - a designed representation of user’s need
    • document - representation of info that could satisfy need
    • relevance - relatedness between documents and need, this is vague
      • multiple perspectives: topical, semantic, temporal, spatial (ex. gas stations shouldn’t be behind you)
  • Yahoo used to have system where you browsed based on structure (browsing), but didn’t have queries (querying)
    • better when user doesn’t know keywords, just wants to explore
    • push mode - systems push relevant info to users without a query
    • pull mode - users pull out info using keywords

web crawler

  • web crawler determines upper bound for search engine
  • loop over all URL’s (difficult to set its order)
    • make sure it’s not visited
    • read it and save it as indexed
    • setItVisited
  • visiting strategy
    • breadth first - has to memorize all nodes on previous level
    • depth first - explore the web by branch
    • focused crawlings - prioritize the new links by predefined strategies
      • not all documents are equally important
      • prioritize by in-degree
      • prioritize by PageRank - breadth-first in early state then approximate periodically
      • prioritize by topical relevance
        • estimate the similarity by anchortext or text near anchor
      • some websites provide site map for google, disallows certain pages (ex. cnn.com/robots.txt)
      • some websites push info to google so it doesn’t need to be crawled (ex. news websites)
    • need to revisit to get changed info
      • uniform re-visiting (what google does)
      • proportional re-visiting (visiting frequency is proportional to page’s update frequency)
  • html parsing
    • shallow parsing - only keep text between title and p tags
    • automatic wrapper generation - regular expression for HTML tags’ combination
  • representation
    • long string has no semantic meaning
    • list of sentences - sentence is just short document (recursive definition)
    • list of words
    • tokenization - break a stream of text into meaningful units
      • several statistical methods
    • bag-of-words representation
      • we get frequencies, but lose grammar and order
    • N-grams (improved)
      • continguous sequence of n items from a given sequence of text
        • for example, keep pairs of words
        • google uses n = 7
      • increase vocabulary to V^n
  • full text indexing
    • pros: preserves all information, full automatic
    • cons: vocab gap: car vs. cars, very large storage
    • Zipf’s law - frequency of any word is inversely proportional to its rank in the frequency table
      • frequencies decrease linearly
      • discrete version of power law stopwords - we ignore these and get meaningful part
        • head words take large portion but are meaningless e.g. the, a, an
        • tail words - major portion of dictionary, but rare e.g. dextrosinistral
        • risk: we lost structure ex. this is not a good option -> option
    • normalization
      • convert different forms of a word to normalized form
        • USA St. Louis -> Saint Louis
        • rule based: delete period, all lower case
        • dictionary based: equivalence classes ex. cell phone -> mobile phone
        • stemming: ladies -> lady, referring -> refer
          • risks: lay -> lie
          • solutions
            • Porter stemmer - pattern of vowel-consonant sequence
            • Krovertz stemmer - morphological rules
          • empirically, stemming still hurts performance
    • modern search engines don’t do stemming or stopword removal
    • more advanced NLP techniques are applied - ex. did you search for a person? location?

inverted index

  • simple attempt
    • documents have been craweld from web, tokenized/normalized, represented as bag-of-words
    • try to match keywords to the documents
    • space complexity O(d*v) where d = # docs, v = vocab size
      • Zipf’s law: most of space is wasted so we only store the occurred words
      • instead of an array, we store a linked list for each doc
    • time complexity O(qd_lengthd_num) where q=length of query
  • solution
    • look-up table for each word, key is word, value is list of documents that contain it
    • time-complexity O(q*l) where l is average length of list of documents containing word
      • by Zipf’s law, d_length « l
  • data structures
    • hashtable - modest size (length of dictionary)
    • postings - very large - sequential access, contain docId, term freq, term position…
      • compression is needed
    • sorting-based inverted index construction - map-reduce
      • from each doc extract tuples of (termId (key in hashtable), docId, count)
      • sort by termId within each doc
      • merge sort to get one list sorted by key in hashtable
      • compress terms with same termId and put into hashtable
  • features
    • needs to support approximate search, proximity search, dynamic index update
    • dynamic index update
      • periodically rebuild the index - acceptable if change is small over time and missing new documents is fine
    • auxiliary index
      • keep index for new docs in memory
      • merge to index when size exceeds threshold
      • soln: multiple auxiliary indices on disk, logarithmic merging
    • index compression
      • save space
      • increase cache efficiency
      • improve disk-memory transfer rate
      • coding theory: E[L] = ∑p(x_l) * l
      • instead of storing docId, we store gap between docIDs since they are ordered
        • biased distr. gives great compression: frequent words have smaller gaps, infrequent words have large gaps, so the large numbers don’t matter (Zipf’s law)
        • variable-length coding: less bits for small (high frequency) integers
  • more things put into index
    • document structure
      • title, abstract, body, bullets, anchor
      • entity annotation
      • these things are fed to the query

query processing

  • parse syntax ex. Barack AND Obama, orange OR apple
  • same processing as on documents: tokenization -> normalization -> stemming -> stopword removal
  • speed-up: start from lowest frequency to highest ones (easy to toss out documents)
  • phrase matching “computer science”
    • N-grams doesn’t work, could be very long phrase
    • soln: generalized postings match
    • equality condition check with requirement of position patter between two query terms
    • ex. t2.pos-t1.pos (t1 must be immediately before t2 in any matched document)
    • proximity query: $\vert t2.pos-t1.pos\vert <= k $
  • spelling correction
    • pick nearest alternative or pick most common alternative
    • proximity between query terms
    • edit distance = minimum number of edit operations to transform one string to another
      • insert, replace, delete
    • speed-up
      • fix prefix length
      • build character-level inverted index
      • consider layout of a keyboard
    • phonetic similarity ex. “herman” -> “Hermann”
      • solve with phonetic hashing - similar-sounding terms hash to same value


  • result display
    1. relevance
    2. diversity
    3. navigation - query suggestion, search by example
  • list of links has always been there
  • search engine reccomendations largely bias the user
  • direct answers (advanced I’m feeling lucky)
    • ex. 100 cm to inches
  • google was using user’s search result feedback
    • spammers were abusing this
  • social things have privacy concerns
  • instant search (refreshes search while you’re typing)
    • slightly slows things down
  • carrot2 - browsing not querying
    • foam tree display, has circles with sizes representing popularity
    • has a learning curve
  • pubmed - knows something about users, has keyword search and more
  • result display
    • relevance
  • most users only look at top left
    • this can be changed with multimedia content
    • HCI is attracting more attention now
  • mobile search
    • multitouch
    • less screen space

ranking model

  • naive boolean query “obama” AND “healthcare” NOT “news”
    • unions, intersects, lists
    • often over-constrained or under-constrained
    • also doesn’t give you relevance of returned documents
    • you can’t actually return all the documents
  • instead we have rank docs for the users (top-k retrieval) with different kinds of relevance
    1. vector space model (uses similarity between query and document)
    • how to define similarity measure
    • both doc and query represented by concept vectors
      • k concepts define high-dimensional space
      • element of vector corresponds to concept weight
      • concepts should be orthogonal (non-overlapping in meaning)
      • could use terms, n-grams, topics, usually bag-of-words
    • weights: not all terms are equally important
      • TF - term frequency weighting - a frequent term is more important
        • normalization: tf(t,d) = 1+log(f), if f(t,d) > 0
          • or proportionally: = a+(1-a)*f/max(f)
      • IDF weighting - a term is more discriminative if it occurs only in fewer docs
        • IDF(t) = 1+log(N/(d_num(t))) where N = total # docs, d_num(t) = # docs containt t
        • total term frequency doesn’t work because words can frequently occur in a subset
      • combining TF and IDF - most widely used
        • w(t,d) = TF(t,d) * IDF(t)
    • similarity measure
      • Euclidean distance - penalizes longer docs too much
      • cosine similarity - dot product and then normalize
    • drawbacks
      • assumes term independence
      • assume query and doc to be the same
      • lack of predictive adequacy
      • lots of parameter tuning
  1. (uses probablity of relevance)
    • vocabulary - set of words user can query with

latent semantic analysis - removes noise

  • terms aren’t necessarily orthogonal in vectors space model
    • synonmys: car vs. automobile
    • polysems: fly (action vs. insect)
  • independent concept space is preferred (axes could be sports, economics, etc.)
  • constructing concept space
    • automatic term expansion - cluster words based on thesaurus (WordNet does this)
    • word sense disambiguation - use dictionary, word-usage context
  • latent semantic analysis
    • assumption - there is some underlying structure that is obscurred by randomness of word choice
      • random noise contaminates term-document data
  • linear algebra - singular value decomposition
    • m x n matrix C with rank r
    • decompose into U * D * V^T, where D is an r x r diagonal matrix (like eigenvalues^2)
    • U and V are orthogonal matrices
    • we put the eigenvalues in D into descending order and only take the first k values to be nonzero
    • this is low rank decomposition
    • multiply the D’s of different docs get similarity
    • eigenvector is new representation of each doc
  • principle component analysis - separate things based on direction that maximizes variance
  • put query into low-rank space
  • LSA can also be used beyond text
  • 𝑂(𝑀𝑁2)

probabalistic ranking principle - different approach, ML

  • total probablility - use bayes’s rule over a partition
  • Hypothesis space H={H_1,…,H_n}, training data E
  • $P(H_i\vert E) = P(E\vert H_i)P(H_i)/P(E)$
  • prior = P(H_i)
  • posterior = $P(H_i\vert E)$
  • to pick the most likely hypothesis H*, we drop P(E)
    • $P(H_i\vert E) = P(E\vert H_i)P(H_i)$
  • losses - rank by descending loss
    • a1 = loss(retrieved $\vert $ non-relevant)
    • a2 = loss(not retrieved $\vert $ relevant)
  • we need to make a relevance measure function
    • assume independent relevance, sequential browsing
    • most existing ir research has fallen into this line of thinking
  • conditional models for $P(R=1\vert Q,D)$
    • basic idea - relevance depends on how well a query matches a document
    • $P(R=1\vert Q,D)$ = g(Rep(Q,D),t)
    • linear regression
  • MLE: prediction = $argmax(P(X\vert 0))$
  • Bayesian: prediction = $argmax(P(X\vert 0)) P(0)$
  • features/attributes for ranking - many things
  • use logistic regression to find relevance
  • little guidance on feature selection
  • this model has completely taken over
generative models for $P(R=1\vert Q,D)$
  • compute Odd($R=1\vert Q,D$) using Bayes’ rule
language models
  • a model specifying probabilty distributions for different word sequences (generative model)
    • too much memory for n-gram, so we use unigrams
  • generate text by sampling from discrete distribution
  • maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
    • sampling with replacement (like picking marbles from bag) - gives you probability distributions
  • when you get a query see which document is more likely to generate the query
  • MLE can’t represent unseen words (ex. ipad)
  • smoothing
    • we want to avoid log zero for these words, but we can’t arbitrarily add to the zero
    • instead we add to the zero probabilities and subtract from the probabilities of observed words
      1. additive smoothing - add a constant delta to the counts of each word
        • skews the counts in favor of infrequent terms - all words are treated equally
      2. absolute discounting - subtract from each nonzero word, distribute among zeros
        • reference smoothing - use reference language model to choose what to add
      3. linear interpolation - subtract a percentage of your probability, distribute among zeros
      4. dirichlet prior/bayesian - not affected by document length
        • effect of smoothing is to get rid of log(0) and to devalue very common words and add weight to infrequent words
        • longer documents should borrow less because they see the more uncommon words

retrieval evaluation

  • evaluation criteria
    • small things - speed, # docs returned, spelling correction, suggestions
    • most important this is satisfying user’s information need
  • Cranfield experiments - retreived documents’ relevance is a good proxy of a system’s utility in satisfying user’s information need
  • standard benchmark - TREC, hosted by NIST
  • elements of evaluation
    1. document collection
    2. set of information needs expressible as queries
    3. relevance judgements - binary relevant, nonrelevant for each query-document pair
  • stats
    • type 1: false positive - wrongly returneda
    • precision - fraction of retrieved documents that are relevant = $p(relevant|retrieved)$ = tp/(tp+fp)
    • recall - fraction of relevant documents that are retrieved = $p(retrieved|relevant)$ = tp/(tp+fn)
    • they generally trade off
  • evaluation is in terms of one query
    1. unordered evaluation - consider the documents unordered
    • calculate the precision P and recall P
    • combine them with harmonic mean: F = 1 / (a(1/P)+(1-a)1/R) where a assigns weights, usually pick a=1
      • F = 2/(1/P+1/R)
    • we do this instead of normal mean because values very close to 0 results in very large denominators
      1. ranked evaluation w/ binary relevance - consider the ranked results
    • precision vs recall has sawtooth shape curve
      • recall never decreases
      • precision increases if we find relevant doc, decreases if irrelevant 1. eleven-point interpolated (use recall levels 0,.1,.2,…,1.0)
      • shouldn’t really use 1.0 - not very meaningful 2. precision@k
      • ignore all docs ranked lower than k
      • only use relevant docs
      • recall@k is problematic because it is hard to know how many docs are relevant 3. MAP - mean average precision - usually best
      • considers rank position of each relevant doc
      • compute p@k for each relevant doc
      • average precision = average of those p@k
      • mean average precision = mean over all the queries
      • weakness - assumes users are interested in finding many relevant docs, requires many relevance judgements 4. MRR - mean reciprocal rank - only want one relevant doc
      • uses: looking for fact, known-item search, navigational queries, query auto completion
      • reciprocal rank = 1/k where k is ranking position of 1st relevant document
      • mean reciprocal rank = mean over all the queries
  • ranked evaluation w/ numerical relevance
    • binary relevance is insufficient - highly relevant documents are more useful
    • gain is accumulated starting at the top and discounted at lower ranks
    • typical discount is 1/log(rank)
    • DCG (discounted cumulative gain) - total gain accumulated at a particular rank position p
      • DCG_p = rel_1 + sum(i=1 to p) rel_i/log_2(i)
      • DCG_p = sum_{i=1 to p}(2^rel_i - 1)/(log_2(1+i)) where rel_i is usually 0 to 4
      • this is what is actually used
      • emphasize on retrieving highly relevant documents
      • different queries have different numbers of relevant docs - have to normalized DCG
    • normalized DCG - normalize by the DCG of the ideal ranking
  • statistical significance tests - difference could just be because of p values you chose
    • p-value - prob of data using null hypothesis, if p < alpha we reject null hypothesis
      1. sign test
      • hypothesis - difference median is zero 2. wilcoxon signed rank test
      • hypothesis - data are paired and come from the same population 3. paired t-test
      • difference has zero mean value 4. one-tail v. two tail
      • lol use two-tail
    • kappa statistic - measures accuracy of assesor - P(judges agree)-P(judges agree randomly) / (1-P(judges agree randomly))
      • = 0 if they agree by chance
      • otherwise 1 or < 0
      • P(judges agree randomly) = marginals for yes-yes and no-no
    • pooling - hard to annotate all docs - relevance is assessed over a subset of the collection that is formed from the top k documents returned by a number of different IR systems

feedback as model interpolation

  • important that we take distance from Q to D not D to Q
    • this is because the measure is asymmetric


  • 2^rel - rel can be 0 or 1
  • whenever you change stopword removal/stemming, have to rebuild index
    • otherwise, you will think they are all important


as we may think

  • there are too many published things, hard to keep track

19 web search basics

  • client server design
    1. server communicates with client via a protocal such as http in a markup language such as html
    2. client - generally a brower - can ignore what it doesn’t understand
  • we need to include autoritativeness when thinking about a document’s relevance
  • we can view html pages as nodes and hyperlinks as directed edges
  • power law: number of web pages w/ in-degree i ~ 1/(i^a)
  • bowtie structure: three types of webpages IN -> SCC -> OUT
  • spam - would repeat keywords to be included in searches
    • there is paid inclusion
  • cloaking - different page is shown to crawler than to user
  • doorway page - text and metadata to rank highly - then redirects
  • SEO (search engine optimizers) - consulting for helping people rank highly
    • search engine marketing - how to budget different keywords
  • some search engines started out without advertising
  • advertising - per click, per view
    • competitors can click spam the ads of opponents
  • types of queries
    • informational - general info
    • navigational - specific website
    • transactional - buying or downloading
  • difficult to get size of index
  • shingling - count repeating consecutive sequences

2.2, 20.1, 20.2

  • hard to tokenize

2.3, 2.4, 4, 5.2, 5.3

  • compression and vocaublary

1.3, 1.4 boolean retrieval

  • find lists for each term, then intersect or union or complement
    • lists need to be sorted by docId so we can just increment the pointers
  • we start with shortest lists and do operations to make things faster
    • at any point we only want to look at the smallest possible list

6.2, 6.3, 6.4 vector space model

  • tf(t,d) = term frequency of term t in doc d
    • uses bag of words - order doesn’t matter, just frequency
    • often replaced by wf(t,d) = 1+log(tf(t,d)) else 0 because have way more terms doesn’t make it way more relevant
    • also could normalize ntf(t,d) = a + (1-a)*tf(t,d)/tf_max(d) where a is a smoothing term
  • idf(t) = inverse document frequency of term t
    • collection frequency = total number of occurrences of a term in the collection.
    • document frequency df(t) = #docs in that contain term t.
    • idf(t) = log(N/df(t)) where N = #docs
  • combination weighting scheme: tf_idf(t,d) = tf(t,d)*idf(t) - (tf is actually log)
  • document score = sum over terms tf_idf(t,d)
  • cosine similarity = doc1*doc2 / ($\vert doc1\vert *\vert doc2\vert $) (this is the dot product)
    • we want the highest possible similarity
    • euclidean distance penalizes long documents too much
  • similarity = cosine similarity of (query,doc)
  • only return top k results
  • pivoted normalized document length? - generally penalizes long document, but avoids overpenalizing