Gong Qingfeng | Graphs


  • Edges are of the form (v1, v2)
    • Can be ordered pair or unordered pair
  • Definitions
    • A weight or cost can be associated with each edge - this is determined by the application
    • w is adjacent to v iff (v, w) $\in$ E
    • path: sequence of vertices w1, w2, w3, …, wn such that (wi, wi+1) ∈ E for 1 ≤ i < n
    • length of a path: number of edges in the path
    • simple path: all vertices are distinct
    • cycle:
      • directed graph: path of length $\geq$ 1 such that w1 = wn
      • undirected graph: same, except all edges are distinct
    • connected: there is a path from every vertex to every other vertex
    • loop: (v, v) $\in$ E
    • complete graph: there is an edge between every pair of vertices
  • digraph
    • directed acyclic graph: no cycles; often called a “DAG”
    • strongly connected: there is a path from every vertex to every other vertex
    • weakly connected: the underlying undirected graph is connected
  • For Google Maps, an adjacency matrix would be infeasible - almost all zeros (sparse)
    • an adjacency list would work much better
    • an adjacency matrix would work for airline routes
  • detect cycle
    • dfs from every vertex and keep track of visited, if repeat then cycle
  • Topological Sort
    • Given a directed acyclic graph, construct an ordering of the vertices such that if there is a path from vi to vj, then vj appears after vi in the ordering
    • The result is a linear list of vertices
    • indegree of v: number of edges (u, v) – meaning the number of incoming edges
    • Algorithm
      • start with something of indegree 0
      • take it out, and take out the edges that start from it
      • keep doing this as we take out more and more edges
    • can have multiple possible topological sorts
  • Shortest Path
    • single-source - start somewhere, get shortest path to everywhere
    • unweighted shortest path - breadth first search
    • Weighted Shortest Path
      • We assume no negative weight edges
      • Djikstra’s algorithm: uses similar ideas as the unweighted case
      • Greedy algorithms: do what seems to be best at every decision point
      • Djikstra: v^2
        • Initialize each vertex’s distance as infinity
        • Start at a given vertex s
          • Update s’s distance to be 0
        • Repeat
          • Pick the next unknown vertex with the shortest distance to be the next v
          • If no more vertices are unknown, terminate loop
        • Mark v as known
        • For each edge from v to adjacent unknown vertices w
          • If the total distance to w is less than the current distance to w
          • Update w’s distance and the path to w
        • It picks the unvisited vertex with the lowest-distance, calculates the distance through it to each unvisited neighbor, and updates the neighbor’s distance if smaller. Mark visited (set to red) when done with neighbors.
    • Shortest path from a start node to a finish node
        1. We can just run Djikstra until we get to the finish node
        1. Have different kinds of nodes
          • Assume you are starting on a “side road”
          • Transition to a “main road”
          • Transition to a “highway”
          • Get as close as you can to your destination via the highway system
          • Transition to a “main road”, and get as close as you can to your destination
          • Transition to a “side road”, and go to your destination
  • Traveling Salesman
    • Given a number of cities and the costs of traveling from any city to any other city, what is the least-cost round-trip route that visits each city exactly once and then returns to the starting city?
    • Hamiltonian path: a path in a connected graph that visits each vertex exactly once
    • Hamiltonian cycle: a Hamiltonian path that ends where it started
    • The traveling salesperson problem is thus to find the least weight Hamiltonian path (cycle) in a connected, weighted graph
  • Minimum Spanning Tree
    • Want fully connected
    • Want to minimize number of links used
      • We won’t have cycles
    • Any solution is a tree
    • Slow algorithm: Construct a spanning tree:
      • Start with the graph
      • Remove an edge from each cycle
      • What remains has the same set of vertices but is a tree
      • Spanning Trees
  • Minimal-weight spanning tree: spanning tree with the minimal total weight
    • Generic Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm
      • KnownVertices <- {}
      • while KnownVertices does not form a spanning tree, loop:
        • find edge (u,v) that is “safe” for KnownVertices
        • KnownVertices <- KnownVertices U {(u,v)}
      • end loop
    • Prim’s algorithm
      • Idea: Grow a tree by adding an edge to the “known” vertices from the “unknown” vertices. Pick the edge with the smallest weight.
      • Pick one node as the root,
      • Incrementally add edges that connect a “new” vertex to the tree.
      • Pick the edge (u,v) where:
      • u is in the tree, v is not, AND
      • where the edge weight is the smallest of all edges (where u is in the tree and v is not)
      • Running time: Same as Dijkstra’s: Θ(e log v)
    • Kruskal’s algorithm
      • Idea: Grow a forest out of edges that do not create a cycle. Pick an edge with the smallest weight.
      • When optimized, it has the same running time as Prim’s and Dijkstra’s: Θ(e log v)
      • unoptomized: v^2