data structures
arrays and strings
- start by checking for null, length 0
- ascii is 128, extended is 256
queue - linkedlist
- has insert at back (enqueue) and remove from front (dequeue)
class Node { Node next; int val; public Node(int d) { val = d; } }
- finding a loop is tricky, use visited
- reverse a linked list
- requires 3 ptrs (one temporary to store next)
- return pointer to new end
class Stack {
Node top;
Node pop() {
if (top != null) {
Object item =;
top =;
return item;
return null;
void push(Object item) {
Node t = new Node(item); = top;
top = t;
- sort a stack with 2 stacks
- make a new stack called ans
- pop from old
- while old element is > ans.peek(), old.push(ans.pop())
- then new.push(old element)
- stack with min - each el stores min of things below it
- queue with 2 stacks - keep popping everything off of one and putting them on the other
- sort with 2 stacks
- Balanced binary trees are generally logarithmic
- Root: a node with no parent; there can only be one root
- Leaf: a node with no children
- Siblings: two nodes with the same parent
- Height of a node: length of the longest path from that node to a leaf
- Thus, all leaves have height of zero
- Height of a tree: maximum depth of a node in that tree = height of the root
- Depth of a node: length of the path from the root to that node
- Path: sequence of nodes n1, n2, …, nk such that ni is parent of ni+1 for 1 ≤ i ≤ k
- Length: number of edges in the path
- Internal path length: sum of the depths of all the nodes
- Binary Tree - every node has at most 2 children
- Binary Search Tree - Each node has a key value that can be compared
- Every node in left subtree has a key whose value is less than the root’s key value
- Every node in right subtree has a key whose value is greater than the root’s key value
void BST::insert(int x, BinaryNode * & curNode){ //we pass in by reference because we want a change in the method to actually modify the parameter (the parameter is the curNode *)
//left associative so this is a reference to a pointer
if (curNode==NULL)
curNode = new BinaryNode(x,NULL,NULL);
else if(x<curNode->element)
else if(x>curNode->element)
- BST Remove
- if no children: remove node (reclaiming memory), set parent pointer to null
- one child: Adjust pointer of parent to point at child, and reclaim memory
- two children: successor is min of right subtree
- replace node with successor, then remove successor from tree
- worst-case depth = n-1 (this happens when the data is already sorted)
- maximum number of nodes in tree of height h is 2^(h+1) - 1
- minimum height h ≥ log(n+1)-1
- Perfect Binary tree - impractical because you need the perfect amount of nodes
- all leaves have the same depth
- number of leaves 2^h
AVL Tree
- if no children: remove node (reclaiming memory), set parent pointer to null
- one child: Adjust pointer of parent to point at child, and reclaim memory
- two children: successor is min of right subtree
- replace node with successor, then remove successor from tree
- For every node in the tree, the height of the left and right sub-trees differs at most by 1
- guarantees log(n)
- balance factor := The height of the right subtree minus the height of the left subtree
- “Unbalanced” trees: A balance factor of -2 or 2
- AVL Insert - needs to update balance factors
- same sign -> single rotation
- -2, -1 -> needs right rotation
- -2, +1 -> needs left then right
- Find: Θ(log n) time: height of tree is always Θ(log n)
- Insert: Θ(log n) time: find() takes Θ(log n), then may have to visit every node on the path back up to root to perform up to 2 single rotations
- Remove: Θ(log n): left as an exercise
- Print: Θ(n): no matter the data structure, it will still take n steps to print n elements
Red-Black Trees
- definition
- A node is either red or black
- The root is black
- All leaves are black The leaves may be the NULL children
- Both children of every red node are black Therefore, a black node is the only possible parent for a red node
- Every simple path from a node to any descendant leaf contains the same number of black nodes
- properties
- The height of the right and left subtree can differ by a factor of n
- insert (Assume node is red and try to insert)
- The new node is the root node
- The new node’s parent is black
- Both the parent and uncle (aunt?) are red
- Parent is red, uncle is black, new node is the right child of parent
- Parent is red, uncle is black, new node is the left child of parent
- Removal
- Do a normal BST remove
- Find next highest/lowest value, put it’s value in the node to be deleted, remove that highest/lowest node
- Note that that node won’t have 2 children!
- We replace the node to be deleted with it’s left child
- This child is N, it’s sibling is S, it’s parent is P
Splay Trees
- This child is N, it’s sibling is S, it’s parent is P
- Find next highest/lowest value, put it’s value in the node to be deleted, remove that highest/lowest node
- Do a normal BST remove
- A self-balancing tree that keeps “recently” used nodes close to the top
- This improves performance in some cases
- Great for caches
- Not good for uniform access
- Anytime you find / insert / delete a node, you splay the tree around that node
- Perform tree rotations to make that node the new root node
- Splaying is Θ(h) where h is the height of the tree
- At worst this is linear time - Θ(n)
- We say it runs in Θ(log n) amortized time - individual operations might take linear time, but other operations take almost constant time - averages out to logarithmic time
- m operations will take m*log(n) time
other trees
- to go through bst (without recursion) in order, use stacks
- push and go left
- if can’t go left, pop
- add new left nodes
- go right
- add new left nodes
- breadth-first tree
- recursively print only at a particular level each time
- create pointers to nodes on the right
- balanced tree = any 2 nodes differ in height by more than 1
- (maxDepth - minDepth) <=1
- trie is an infix of the word “retrieval” because the trie can find a single word in a dictionary with only a prefix of the word
- root is empty string
- each node stores a character in the word
- if ends, full word
- need a way to tell if prefix is a word -> each node stores a boolean isWord
- used for priority queue
- peek(): just look at the root node
- add(val): put it at correct spot, percolate up
- percolate - Repeatedly exchange node with its parent if needed
- expected run time: ∑i=1..n 1/2^n∗n=2
- pop(): put last leaf at root, percolate down
- Remove root (that is always the min!)
- Put “last” leaf node at root
- Repeatedly find smallest child and swap node with smallest child if needed.
- Priority Queue - Binary Heap is always used for Priority Queue
- insert
- inserts with a priority
- findMin
- finds the minimum element
- deleteMin
- finds, returns, and removes minimum element
- insert
- perfect (or complete) binary tree - binary tree with all leaf nodes at the same depth; all internal nodes have 2 children.
- height h, 2h+1-1 nodes, 2h-1 non-leaves, and 2h leaves
- Full Binary Tree
- A binary tree in which each node has exactly zero or two children.
- Min-heap - parent is min
- Heap Structure Property: A binary heap is an almost complete binary tree, which is a binary tree that is completely filled, with the possible exception of the bottom level, which is filled left to right.
- in an array - this is faster than pointers
- left child: 2*i
- right child: (2*i)+1
- parent: floor(i/2)
- pointers need more space, are slower
- multiplying, dividing by 2 are very fast
- in an array - this is faster than pointers
- Heap ordering property: For every non-root node X, the key in the parent of X is less than (or equal to) the key in X. Thus, the tree is partially ordered.
- Heap Structure Property: A binary heap is an almost complete binary tree, which is a binary tree that is completely filled, with the possible exception of the bottom level, which is filled left to right.
- Heap operations
- findMin: just look at the root node
- insert(val): put it at correct spot, percolate up
- percolate - Repeatedly exchange node with its parent if needed
- expecteed run time: ∑i=1..n 1/2^n∗n=2
- deleteMin: put last leaf at root, percolate down
- Remove root (that is always the min!)
- Put “last” leaf node at root
- Repeatedly find smallest child and swap node with smallest child if needed.
- Compression
- Lossless compression: X = X’
- Lossy compression: X != X’
- Information is lost (irreversible)
- Compression ratio: $\vert X\vert /\vert Y\vert $
- Where $\vert X\vert $ is the number of bits (i.e., file size) of X
- Huffman coding
- Compression
- Determine frequencies
- Build a tree of prefix codes
- no code is a prefix of another code
- start with minheap, then keep putting trees together
- Write the prefix codes to the output
- reread source file and write prefix code to the output file
- Decompression
- read in prefix code - build tree
- read in one bit at a time and follow tree
- Compression
- ASCII characters - 8 bits, 2^7 = 128 characters
- cost - total number of bits
- “straight cost” - bits / character = log2(numDistinctChars)
- Priority Queue Example
- insert (x)
- deleteMin()
- findMin()
- isEmpty()
- makeEmpty()
- size()
Hash tables
- java: load factor = .75, default init capacity: 16, uses buckets
- string hash function: s[0]31^(n-1) + s[1]31^(n-2) + … + s[n-1] where n is length mod (table_size)
- Standard set of operations: find, insert, delete
- No ordering property!
- Thus, no findMin or findMax
- Hash tables store key-value pairs
- Each value has a specific key associated with it
- fixed size array of some size, usually a prime number
- A hash function takes in a “thing” )string, int, object, etc._
- returns hash value - an unsigned integer value which is then mod’ed by the size of the hash table to yield a spot within the bounds of the hash table array
- Three required properties
- Must be deterministic
- Meaning it must return the same value each time for the same “thing”
- Must be fast
- Must be evenly distributed
- implies avoiding collisions - Technically, only the first is required for correctness, but the other two are required for fast running times
- Must be deterministic
- A perfect hash function has:
- No blanks (i.e., no empty cells)
- No collisions
- Lookup table is at best logarithmic
- We can’t just make a very large array - we assume the key space is too large
- you can’t just hash by social security number
- hash(s)=(∑k−1i=0si∗37^i) mod table_size
- you would precompute the powers of 37
- collision - putting two things into same spot in hash table
- Two primary ways to resolve collisions:
- Separate Chaining (make each spot in the table a ‘bucket’ or a collection)
- Open Addressing, of which there are 3 types:
- Linear probing
- Quadratic probing
- Double hashing
- Two primary ways to resolve collisions:
- Separate Chaining
- each bucket contains a data structure (like a linked list)
- analysis of find
- The load factor, λ, of a hash table is the ratio of the number of elements divided by the table size
- For separate chaining, λ is the average number of elements in a bucket
- Average time on unsuccessful find: λ
- Average length of a list at hash(k)
- Average time on successful find: 1 + (λ/2)
- One node, plus half the average length of a list (not including the item)
- Average time on unsuccessful find: λ
- typical case will be constant time, but worst case is linear because everything hashes to same spot
- λ = 1
- Make hash table be the number of elements expected
- So average bucket size is 1
- Also make it a prime number
- λ = 0.75
- Java’s Hashtable but can be set to another value
- Table will always be bigger than the number of elements
- This reduces the chance of a collision!
- Good trade-off between memory use and running time
- λ = 0.5
- Uses more memory, but fewer collisions
- For separate chaining, λ is the average number of elements in a bucket
- The load factor, λ, of a hash table is the ratio of the number of elements divided by the table size
- Open Addressing: The general idea with all of them is that, if a spot is occupied, to ‘probe’, or try, other spots in the table to use
- 3 Types:
- General: pi(k) = (hash(k) + f(i)) mod table_size
1.Linear Probing: f(i) = i
- Check spots in this order :
- hash(k)
- hash(k)+1
- hash(k)+2
- hash(k)+3
- These are all mod table_size
- find - keep going until you find an empty cell (or get back)
- problems
- cannot have a load factor > 1, as you get close to 1, you get a lot of collisons
- clustering - large blocks of occupied cells
- “holes” when an element is removed 2.Quadratic: f(i) = i^2
- hash(k)
- hash(k)+1
- hash(k)+4
- hash(k)+9
- you move out of clusters much quicker 3.Double hashing: i * hash2(k)
- hash2 is another hash function - typically the fastest
- problem where you loop over spots that are filled - hash2 yields a factor of the table size
- solve by making table size prime
- hash(k) + 1 * hash2(k)
- hash(k) + 2 * hash2(k)
- hash(k) + 3 * hash2(k)
- Check spots in this order :
- General: pi(k) = (hash(k) + f(i)) mod table_size
1.Linear Probing: f(i) = i
- a prime table size helps hash function be more evenly distributed
- problem: when the table gets too full, running time for operations increases
- solution: create a bigger table and hash all the items from the original table into the new table
- position is dependent on table size, which means we have to rehash each value
- this means we have to re-compute the hash value for each element, and insert it into the new table!
- When to rehash?
- When half full (λ = 0.5)
- When mostly full (λ = 0.75)
- Java’s hashtable does this by default
- When an insertion fails
- Some other threshold
- Cost of rehashing
- Let’s assume that the hash function computation is constant
- We have to do n inserts, and if each key hashes to the same spot, then it will be a Θ(n2) operation!
- Although it is not likely to ever run that slow
- Removing
- You could rehash on delete
- You could put in a ‘placeholder’ or ‘sentinel’ value
- gets filled with these quickly
- perhaps rehash after a certain number of deletes
- 3 Types:
- has functions
- MD5 is a good hash function (given a string or file contents)
- generates 128 bit hash
- when you download something, you download the MD5, your computer computes the MD5 and they are compared to make sure it downloaded correctly
- not reversible because when a file has more than 128 bits, won’t be 1-1 mapping
- you can lookup a MD5 hash in a rainbow table - gives you what the password probably is based on the MD5 hash
- SHA (secure Hash algorithm) is much more secure
- generates hash up to 512 bits
- MD5 is a good hash function (given a string or file contents)