python ref
- from math import log2, floor, ceil
- % is modulus
- from random import random
random.random() # [0, 1.0)
- copying: x.copy() for list, dict; np.copy(x) for numpy
data structures
- list [] l (arraylist)
- l.append(x)
- l.insert(index, element)
- queue: from collections import deque # implemented as doubly linked list
- q = deque()
- q.append(x)
- q.pop()
- q.popleft()
- q.appendleft(x)
- index like normal
- len(q)
- stack - use normal list
- pop()
- linked list
class Node:
def __init__(self, val, next):
self.val = val = next
- set()
- add(x)
- remove(x)
- map {'key': 3}
- keys()
- values()
- del m['key']
- PriorityQueue
- from queue import PriorityQueue
- q = PriorityQueue()
- q.put(x)
- q.get()
- s = "test"
- s.upper()
- reversed(s)
- "".join(s)
- "_".join([s, s])
- fastest way to join lots of strings
- s.split("e")
- s.replace("e", "new_str") # replaces all
- s.find("t") # returns first index
- formatting
"%05d" //pad to fill 5 spaces
"%8.3f" //max number of digits
"%-d" //left justify
"%,d" //print commas ex. "1,000,000"
| int | double | string |
| d | f | s |
- print("%05d" % x)
- int("3") = 3
- bin(10) = '0b1010'
- hex(100) = '0x64'
- ord('a') = 97
f string: x = 3 ; print(f"{x:#0.3f}")
l = ['abc', 'ccc', 'd', 'bb']
- sorted(l, reverse=False, key=len) # decreasing order
- key examples: str.lower, func_name
- key = lambda x: x[1]
- slightly faster: key=operator.itemgetter(1)
- def func_name(s):
return s[-1]
- l.sort(reverse=False, key=len) # sorts in place
except ValueError as e:
print('error!', e)
raise Exception('spam', 'eggs')
assert(x == 3)
higher level
- primitives -
byte, short, char, int, long, float, double
, bool - only primitive and reference types
- when you assign primitives to each other, it’s fine
- when you pass in a primitive, its value is copied
- when you pass in an object, its reference is copied
- you can modify the object through the reference, but can’t change the object’s address
class Document:
def __init__(self, name): = name
def show(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must implement abstract method")
class Pdf(Document):
def show(self):
return 'Show pdf contents!'
class Word(Document):
def show(self):
return 'Show word contents!'
documents = [Pdf('Document1'),
for document in documents:
print + ': ' +
- class method = static
- @classmethod
- called with Foo.DoIt()
- initialized before constructor
- class shares one copy, can’t refer to non-static
- instance method - invoked on specific instance of the class
- @staticmethod
- called with f.DoIt()
- protected member is accessible within its class and subclasses
- loc indexes by val
- iloc indexes by index position
- .groupby returns a dict