dim. reduction
- overview
- pca
- ica
- lda / qda
- multidimensional scaling (MDS)
- nonlinear
- t-sne / umap
- diffusion embedding
Method | Analysis objective | Temporal smoothing | Explicit noise model |
PCA | Covariance | No | No |
FA | Covariance | No | Yes |
LDS/GPFA | Dynamics | Yes | Yes |
NLDS | Dynamics | Yes | Yes |
LDA | Classification | No | No |
Demixed | Regression | No | Yes/No |
Isomap/LLE | Manifold discovery | No | No |
T-SNE | …. | …. | … |
UMAP | … | … | … |
NMF | … | … | … |
SVCCA? | |||
diffusion embedding | |||
ICA | |||
K-means | |||
Autoencoders |
- linear decompositions: learn D s.t. $X=DA$
- FA (factor analysis) - like PCA but with errors, not biased by variance
- NMF - $min_{D \geq 0, A \geq 0} ||X-DA||_F^2$
- remove correlations and higher order dependence
- all components are equally important
- PCA - orthogonality
- compress data, remove correlations
- LDA/QDA - finds basis that separates classes
- K-means - can be viewed as a linear decomposition
- dynamics
- sparse coding
- spectral clustering - does dim reduction on eigenvalues (spectrum) of similarity matrix before clustering in few dims
- uses adjacency matrix
- basically like PCA then k-means
- performs better with regularization - add small constant to the adjacency matrix
- want new set of axes (linearly combine original axes) in the direction of greatest variability
- this is best for visualization, reduction, classification, noise reduction
- assume $X$ (nxp) has zero mean
- minimize variance of X projection onto a unit vector v
- $\frac{1}{n} \sum (x_i^Tv)^2 = \frac{1}{n}v^TX^TXv$ subject to $v^T v=1$
- $\implies v^T(X^TXv-\lambda v)=0$: solution is achieved when $v$ is eigenvector corresponding to largest eigenvalue
- like minimizing perpendicular distance between data points and subspace onto which we project
- minimize variance of X projection onto a unit vector v
SVD: let $U D V^T = SVD(Cov(X))$
- $Cov(X) = \frac{1}{n}X^TX$, where X has been demeaned
- equivalently, eigenvalue decomposition of covariance matrix $\Sigma = X^TX$
each eigenvalue represents prop. of explained variance: $\sum \lambda_i = tr(\Sigma) = \sum Var(X_i)$
screeplot - eigenvalues in decreasing order, look for num dims with kink
- don’t automatically center/normalize, especially for positive data
- SVD is easier to solve than eigenvalue decomposition, can also solve other ways
- multidimensional scaling (MDS)
- based on eigenvalue decomposition
- adaptive PCA
- extract components sequentially, starting with highest variance so you don’t have to extract them all
- multidimensional scaling (MDS)
- good PCA code: http://cs231n.github.io/neural-networks-2/
X -= np.mean(X, axis = 0) # zero-center data (nxd) cov = np.dot(X.T, X) / X.shape[0] # get cov. matrix (dxd) U, D, V = np.linalg.svd(cov) # compute svd, (all dxd) Xrot_reduced = np.dot(X, U[:, :2]) # project onto first 2 dimensions (n x 2)
- nonlinear pca
- usually uses an auto-associative neural network
- like PCA, but instead of the dot product between components being 0, the mutual info between components is 0
- goals
- minimizes statistical dependence between its components
- maximize information transferred in a network of non-linear units
- uses information theoretic unsupervised learning rules for neural networks
- problem - doesn’t rank features for us
lda / qda
- reduced to axes which separate classes (perpendicular to the boundaries)
multidimensional scaling (MDS)
- given a a distance matrix, MDS tries to recover low-dim coordinates s.t. distances are preserved
- minimizes goodness-of-fit measure called stress = $\sqrt{\sum (d_{ij} - \hat{d}{ij})^2 / \sum d{ij}^2}$
- visualize in low dims the similarity between individial points in high-dim dataset
- classical MDS assumes Euclidean distances and uses eigenvalues
- constructing configuration of n points using distances between n objects
- uses distance matrix
- $d_{rr} = 0$
- $d_{rs} \geq 0$
- solns are invariant to translation, rotation, relfection
- solutions types
- non-metric methods - use rank orders of distances
- invariant to uniform expansion / contraction
- metric methods - use values
- non-metric methods - use rank orders of distances
- D is Euclidean if there exists points s.t. D gives interpoint Euclidean distances
- define B = HAH
- D Euclidean iff B is psd
- define B = HAH
t-sne / umap
- t-sne preserves pairwise neighbors
- UMAP: Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection for Dimension Reduction